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To celebrate Cardiff Animation Nights turning 10 this year (can you believe it?!) we would love to see your animated creations to help celebrate this big milestone! 

The animations should be 5 seconds long and be inspired by the theme 'Birthday', the deadline for submitting the animation is 16th October 2024. All the animations submitted will then be shown on the big screen during the birthday celebration at The Underdog on Thursday 31st October. 

If you're interested in creating and submitting an animation find more information and sign up here! We can't wait to see what you create! 

Cardiff Animation Nights (CAN) are free monthly screenings of great animation from around the world at The Underdog in the centre of Cardiff and online live on our YouTube channel. We screen some of the best animated short films from the global animation festival circuit, giving people in Cardiff a chance to watch independent animation on the big screen and meet like-minded people. ​


Cardiff Animation Nights has been running for 10 years, and has grown from our first event in the back of a small venue in Cardiff to just 20 people, to a monthly in-person and online event in Cardiff with over 120 people attending each month.


Cardiff Animation Nights is run by a team of animators and animation lovers in Cardiff, led by Ellys Donovan and Lauren Orme, with help and support from numerous individuals and organisations from the animation community in Cardiff and further afield.

In 2023 for the first time, we opened submissions for Cardiff Animation Nights! Each month animated short films will be selected to be screened at the monthly Cardiff Animation Nights either online or in-person and a favourite film were selected by our industry jury. In December 2023 all the films selected by the jury were screened and a winning film was selected by the audience! Find out more about the awards here!


Cardiff Animation Nights is a separate event to Cardiff Animation Festival. 


Thursday 25th April 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights (CAF24 Launch) In Venue

Thursday 30th May 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights Online

Wednesday 26th June 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights In Venue

Thursday 25th July 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights Online

Thursday 29th August 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights In Venue

Thursday 26th September 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights Online

Thursday 31st October 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights In Venue (CAN's 10th Birthday!)

Thursday 28th November 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights Online

Tuesday 10th December 2024 - Cardiff Animation Nights In Venue


Wherever possible we try and keep all of our events free.  If you want to support what we do and help us to continue, you can make a one-off or regular donation via PayPal by clicking Donate below or support us monthly via Patreon. If you think you could help us with any of our events and want to talk to us about becoming a volunteer, get in touch – we'd love to hear from you.

Thanks to our supporters
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