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Every other year, we welcome tons of animation fans, filmmakers, artists and industry leaders to Cardiff for our festival.

Here's what some of them have had to say about Cardiff Animation Festival over the years!


“Cardiff Animation Festival was a delight from start to finish. The good will shown by both the organisers and the attendees to make it the best event it could be left me feeling enthused, inspired and overwhelmingly happy that I’m involved in animation. Can’t wait for the next one.”

Grant Orchard, creator of Hey Duggee, Studio AKA

“It was a pleasure to support an Industry Day for the animation community so close to Bristol and to see such a large turn-out at CAF.  There is such a great animated talent pool in and around Cardiff, and so to provide a dedicated day to help animators immerse themselves in the industry side of the business for a day felt like a very worthwhile exercise.”

Alison Taylor, Aardman

“For me, the Cardiff Animation Festival was a great event for meeting young creators and writers who are just starting out in the industry. During the industry day, I had a chance to catch up and compare notes with other commissioners of children’s content in the UK and, as a bonus, I managed to see some truly inspirational films.”

Sioned Wyn Roberts, S4C

Lovely festival and very welcoming. Well attended too. What a great first year!

Louise Bagnall, Oscar-nominated filmmaker

“I have met many filmmakers and made contacts and friends. It is now one of my top festivals worldwide. I have been inspired both from conversations and the program itself which has been of a really high standard with a great variety of films from around the world.”

Audience feedback

“Fantastic festival! Very high quality screenings, masterclasses and other events. Easy to network, very nice staff and helpful volunteers. Overall a must go for any animation fan!”

Christina Nerland, filmmaker

“The most invaluable four days. We saw the most inspiring and incredible films, met and learnt from industry legends and just got so excited to take our first steps into this amazing industry.” 

Attending filmmaker feedback

“Still buzzing from an incredible fourth edition of CAF boasting some of their best events to date! Absolutely bowled over by the extensive presentations, masterclasses and Q&As including the team from Kensukes Kingdom,  Cuphead animator extraordinaire Tina Nawrocki, composer and incomparable showman Phil Brookes, veteran modelmakers at Arch Model Studio and more! Not to mention the brilliantly curated film selections, parties, industry panels, free nosh and exhibitions.


“Such a jam packed and epic line up! So much to see and do, a real variety. Love the masterclasses with some top creators."

Audience feedback

“Strong sense of community, lovely staff members, community events like Animators’ Brunch and Drink and Draw. I wanna see more and more!”

Audience Feedback

“Beautiful atmosphere”

Audience feedback

“It was nice to be surrounded by like-minded people, make connections, see amazing animation! Really loved the venue too.””

Audience feedback

“Seriously amazing organisation, from the design to the staff and volunteers!"

Audience feedback

“Such a variety of films, really good for a student learning more about the industry. Also very affordable and accessible.”

Audience feedback

“It was lovely to have the opportunity to take our children (5, 4 and 1) to see films through the medium of Welsh on the big screen.”

Audience feedback

“Wonderful open atmosphere. Great programming. Lovely treatment of filmmakers. Amazing films!”

Attending filmmaker feedback

“The Cardiff Animation team as always, did an amazing job. Can't wait for the next one! I'll be there.”

Audience feedback

“Amazing talks and lovely to meet a lot of new faces!”

Audience feedback

“This is probably my favourite festival so far! Great venue, brilliant film selection, industry buzz are all present. A relaxed atmosphere, at a great time of year when there is often a lull in festivals!”

Attending filmmaker feedback

“Brilliantly organised and a very friendly and helpful team, plus fantastic calibre of guests and events.”

Audience feedback

“Brilliant! Easy to access for disabled people. Tickets reasonably priced. Great fun!”

Audience feedback

“This was, for me, an excursion into a different medium. I'll be coming back.”

Audience feedback

“A great community event.”

Audience feedback

“Wales needs more of this!”

Audience feedback

“Friendly environment, helped me get past some of my social issues.”

Audience feedback

“Thank you so much for organising this whole event! I've learnt so much and seen SO MANY amazing films, but best of all I've made friends I'll keep in contact with.”

Audience feedback

“I haven't felt this inspired and motivated in a while”

Audience feedback

“Always great to see new talent, learn and get a burst of inspiration from exciting shorts and industry talks”

Audience feedback

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