Thursday 7 April 2022
1:30pm | Chapter First Space
Made possible with the support of Ffilm Cymru Wales & BFI NETWORK with funding from the National Lottery.
How can the creative industries benefit from welcoming in neurodiverse talent? What are the barriers facing neurodivergent creatives in animation, and how can we break them down? Join animators, academics and neurodiverse filmmakers for an active discussion led by Stephen Clarke from Biggerhouse Film and Dan McGowan from Hijinx.
Biggerhouse Film have been running Different Voices, a creative mentoring film talent development programme for emerging neurodivergent filmmakers and creatives, since 2017. In 2020 they joined us to host a digital discussion around these questions. How has the landscape changed? What work still needs to be done?
Insights from the discussion will be presented in visual form and displayed throughout the festival.
We’d love it if you could also join us in the morning for our Different Voices Showcase, a sharing session of work produced by new and aspiring animators identifying as neurodivergent, during Biggerhouse Film's Different Voices mentoring project. Find out more and book a separate (free) ticket for the Showcase here.
Sut gall y diwydiannau creadigol elwa o groesawu talent niwroamrywiol? Beth yw'r rhwystrau sy'n wynebu pobl greadigol niwroamrywiaeth ym maes animeiddio, a sut gallwn ni eu chwalu? Ymunwch ag animeiddwyr, academyddion a gwneuthurwyr ffilmiau niwroamrywiaeth ar gyfer trafodaeth weithredol dan arweiniad Stephen Clarke o Biggerhouse Film a Dan McGowan o Hijinx.
Mae Biggerhouse Film wedi bod yn rhedeg Different Voices, rhaglen datblygu talent ffilm mentora creadigol ar gyfer gwneuthurwyr ffilm niwro-ddargyfeiriol sy'n dod i'r amlwg a phobl greadigol, ers 2017. Yn 2020, fe wnaethon nhw ymuno â ni i gynnal trafodaeth ddigidol ar y cwestiynau hyn. Sut mae'r dirwedd wedi newid? Pa waith sydd angen ei wneud o hyd?
Cyflwynir mewnwelediadau o’r drafodaeth ar ffurf weledol a’u harddangos drwy gydol yr ŵyl.