Thursday 25 April 2024
4:15pm | Chapter C1 | 60 mins

This event is BSL interpreted
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Creative Wales launched the Young Audience Content fund in 2022. Its purpose is to offer funding and support to Welsh independent production companies to develop bilingual long-form content in Welsh and English - both live-action and animation - for young audiences.
The fund was developed to enhance the current output of programmes broadcast on bilingual television targeted towards children and young people. To inform their understanding of the world through news, information and analysis of current events and ideas; stimulate knowledge and learning across arts, science, history; reflect UK cultural identity on a national level and represent diversity and alternative viewpoints.
Recipients of the fund to date include Animation Associates, Boom Cymru, Bumpybox, Bomper, CPE Productions, Cwmni Da and Picl Animation.
Join members of the Creative Wales sector development team and funding recipients to learn about the ways in which Welsh Government support can directly boost the development of high quality animation content, and the creative processes of the companies that received support in this round.
Lansiodd Cymru Greadigol gronfa Cynnwys Cynulleidfaoedd Ifanc yn 2022. Ei phwrpas yw cynnig cyllid a chymorth i gwmnïau cynhyrchu annibynnol Cymreig ddatblygu cynnwys ffurf hir dwyieithog yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg – yn fyw ac wedi’i animeiddio – ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ifanc.
Datblygwyd y gronfa i wella'r allbwn cyfredol o raglenni a ddarlledir ar deledu dwyieithog wedi'u targedu at blant a phobl ifanc; i hysbysu eu dealltwriaeth o'r byd trwy newyddion, gwybodaeth a dadansoddiad o ddigwyddiadau a syniadau cyfoes; ysgogi gwybodaeth a dysgu ar draws y celfyddydau, gwyddoniaeth, hanes; adlewyrchu hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol y DU ar lefel genedlaethol a chynrychioli amrywiaeth a safbwyntiau amgen.
Mae derbynwyr y gronfa hyd yma yn cynnwys Animation Associates, Boom Cymru, Bumpybox, Bomper, CPE
Productions, Cwmni Da a Picl Animation.
Ymunwch ag aelodau o dîm datblygu sector Cymru Greadigol a derbynwyr cyllid i ddysgu am y ffyrdd y gall cymorth Llywodraeth Cymru roi hwb uniongyrchol i ddatblygiad cynnwys animeiddio o ansawdd uchel, a phrosesau creadigol y cwmnïau a gafodd gymorth yn y rownd hon.