Since the early days of cinema, stories have been told using a mixture of visuals and music cues; captivating audiences with quick glances shared between characters, intimate close-ups and slapstick comedy routines.
This programme can be enjoyed in any language, and proves that you don’t need dialogue to tell an amazing story. Break free from the boundaries of language and escape into the world of pure visual storytelling.
Sit back, relax, and let these SPEECHLESS films take you on an adventure of a lifetime; immersing yourself in a diverse selection of tales about friendship, familial dramas, and perseverance.
Mae sinema wedi plethu llais a llun i adrodd stori ers y dechrau, gan hudo cynulleidfaoedd â fflach llygaid rhwng cymeriadau, eiliadau agos rhamantus a chomedi slapstic chwim. Mae’r rhaglen hon yn brawf nad oes angen geiriau i adrodd stori dda. Dihangwch rhag deialog i fyd cyfangwbwl weledol a mwynhau ffilmiau fydd yn mynd â chi ar antur oes.
81mins, adv12+
(S) - Student film
Sunday 5 December 2021
Chapter Arts Centre | Cinema 2 | 3:20pm
Dir. Fokion Xenos | Greece | 0:07:13 (S)
In the midst of a searing heatwave, two little children find a way to cool everyone down!
Dir. Christoph Sarow | Germany | 0:09:38 (S)
A young boy’s struggle with an ocean of chickens, peeing, the universe and his rough cousin.
Dir. Laura Nasir-Tamara | UK | 0:02:40
A 2D animation short in mixed media about people falling in and out of love, and also making tiny teacups.
Dir. Ido Shapira & Amit Cohen | Israel | 0:05:57 (S)
The life of a dog, trained to act as human, changes when a pack of Hounds gathers around his house.
Dir. Veronica Solomon | Germany | 0:06:06 (S)
"What would you be willing to do for them to love you?"
LOVE ME, FEAR ME is a dance metaphor about the roles we play and the shapes we take, about the stages we chose, the audience we try to impress and the price of acceptance.
Dir. Erik Waeijin | Netherlands | 0:01:06
The film is about a high diver who is about to make a jump from a 10-meter diving platform. It isn’t as much about the jump itself but rather the character’s journey to be able to make the jump. With this film I wanted to highlight the beauty and dynamic movements within sport by animating them extensively on a piece of music I made myself.
Dir. Yingzhong Hu | Canada/China | 0:08:30 (S)
The fishing girl on her way of recovering her lost beloved fishing boat.
Dir. Lizzy Hobbs | UK | 0:06:30
One day a humble fisherman catches an enchanted fish. Can the fish help him, and his wife improve their lot? The Flounder is an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm tale ‘The Fisherman and his Wife’, with painted animation by Elizabeth Hobbs and an original score by composer Carola Bauckholt.
Dir. Robert Brown | UK | 0:02:00
Opposites attract but the path to true love is never plain sailing.
Dir. Yi Luo | Germany | 0:03:15 (S)
Jolanda and Hendrik are a couple. They have very close relationship. Hendrik is her favourite coat to put on. We see a day in their life.
Dir. Florian Grolig | Germany | 0:07:45
The ‘small’ one is, well, small, and the ‘big’ one definitely very very big. They are friends.
Dir. Hila Einy, Yoav Aluf, Noy Bar | Israel | 0:07:15 (S)
A crisis in a young woman's life forces her to return to her parents' home. Her reappearance shakes the delicate balance in the family nest.
Dir. Grant Berry & Ben Steer | UK | 0:01:00
As part of our long-running short films initiative, we pitched the question to our team "Can you visualise the frustrations of the creative process?"
Dir. Soetkin Verstegen | Belgium | 0:05:00
Identical figures perform the hopeless task of preserving blocks of ice. The repetitive movements reanimate the animals captured inside.
Dir. Dana Sink | USA | 0:07:15
An exploration of movement and meaning.
Dir. Léo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet | France | 0:06:01 (S)
The two best rescue workers of the region are ready for their new mission. Despite their professionalism and their determination, it will not go as planned...