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Sunday 28th April 
10:30am | Chapter | Cinema 1
84 mins | PG
£6 - £8 or included in Festival Pass

A young boy and his family set off on a sailing trip of a lifetime. Excitement turns to terror when a violent storm erupts and Michael and his dog, Stella, are swept overboard. They are washed up on to a remote island, terrified and struggling to survive.


One day, Michael discovers he is not alone when he is confronted by a mysterious Japanese man who has lived there secretly since World War Two, angry that Michael has arrived. However, as dangerous invaders threaten their fragile island paradise, Michael and the old man, Kensuke, join forces to save their secret world.


This showing of Kensuke’s Kingdom is a relaxed screening. The lights will be slightly raised, the volume is lowered, and there are no trailers or adverts. Visitors are free to move around the auditorium or make a noise as they feel comfortable. 




Mae bachgen ifanc a'i deulu yn cychwyn ar daith hwylio oes. Mae cyffro’n troi’n arswyd pan fydd storm ffyrnig yn ffrwydro a Michael a’i gi, Stella, yn cael eu hysgubo dros yr ochr. Maen nhw'n cael eu golchi i ynys anghysbell, yn ofnus ac yn brwydro i oroesi.


Un diwrnod, mae Michael yn darganfod nad yw ar ei ben ei hun pan fydd yn wynebu dyn dirgel o Japan sydd wedi byw yno'n gyfrinachol ers yr Ail Ryfel Byd, yn flin bod Michael wedi cyrraedd. Fodd bynnag, wrth i oresgynwyr peryglus fygwth eu hynys baradwys fregus, mae Michael a’r hen ddyn, Kensuke, yn ymuno i achub eu byd cyfrinachol.


Mae’r dangosiad hwn o Kensuke’s Kingdom yn ddangosiad hamddenol. Bydd y goleuadau'n cael eu codi ychydig, a’r sŵn yn cael ei ostwng, ac nid oes unrhyw ragddangosiadau na hysbysebion. Mae croeso i ymwelwyr symud o gwmpas yr awditoriwm neu wneud sŵn os yw hynny’n eu gwneud yn gyfforddus.

Content Warnings:

Mild threat, upsetting scenes, violence, injury detail, language

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Saturday 27 April 1:30pm | Cinema 1 | 84 mins | PG
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